season 2: never-ending sunset
welcome to yuukei's official website~ ✧
this website has information for well, anyone, inside or outside our guild.~
discord.gg/yuukei ← join our discord here.~
we are available in europe- light - raiden.
our site is still currently under construction - please excuse us if it looks basic.~
guild information:
「what is yuukei?
yuukei is a free company (guild) available on ffxiv (final fantasy 14: a realm reborn).
we previously had a guild on another mmo, before we realised that it was not sustainable for our guild.
「why should i consider yuukei?
we are still going strong after being currently over 3 years old.~
yuukei's reputation in our previous mmo was among the best in the game - i'd say we had the best reputation for being the most friendliest and generous.~
we accept anyone and everyone, and wish to make them even better (in a casual way, of course).~
we had so many experienced veterans that we were also known for being a ranker's retirement home (accepting former ranking players wanting to be less competitive).~
very frequent giveaways.~
「what kind of free company is yuukei?
we are mainly casual, though we are more suited towards helping new players.~
though, a lot of our members wouldn't mind more competitive raiding, via voice chat (unmuting your mic is never expected nor required).~
we like to teach game mechanics and stuff to our guild members - if you are new, our more experienced players would love to help you.~
we are a guild for everyone; 18+ content is not allowed in the main discord server.
where is yuukei based?
we have some members internationally, though we are based in europe. the guild leader, for example, is from north america.~
「will i need to talk or be active?
no, but it is strongly encouraged; we have chatbots and fun stuff in our discord - we won't bite.~
please keep in mind that we do however have an in-game activity requirement; listed inactivity must not surpass 20 days.
you can simply log-in to reset the timer, we won't judge.~
you can also let us know if you'll be offline for an extended period of time for any reason, and we'll keep you around.~
please enjoy the evening view. ✧
website changelogs:
november 10 2024:
- fixed some things, also have rudimentary design plans for another website layout.
march 24 2024:
- the previous website has been cancelled due to us not supporting sw anymore.
april 14 2023:
- added lots of pictures.
- added more information for krsw.
- fixed and updated outdated information.
- finished some basics of sw pages, for now.
february 26 2023:
- added pictures.
- revised some gearing information.
- revised some raids.
february 15 2023:
- finalized and revised character pages.
- added a general masteries page.
- upscaled every image that needed upscaling.
- finalized haru's skill pictures (not skills), brooches and main page.
- added character galleries.
february 10 2023:
- fixed faqs.
- added tf armour entries.
- cleaned and revised information everywhere.
january 27 2023:
- added more information on raids' main pages
- added server pages.
january 19 2023:
- added information on raids' main pages.
january 10 2023:
- finalized character page designs.
january 9 2023:
- remade the character page templates so the layout is more space-conservative, organized, and faster to load.
- will plan to finish the character pages first.
january 7 2023:
- received a domain name for yuukei.
december 8 2022:
- added lots of information to databases.
- started construction on character and raid pages.
december 2 2022:
- added an etiquette page.
- added minimum requirements for raids, and additional information.
december 1 2022:
- updated the whole character page outline.
- updated character templates.
november 30 2022:
- reorganized the whole website.
november 29 2022:
- completely changed the site for yuukei season 2.
- full speed ahead for the creation of guides begins.
- started focusing heavily on item database.
may 13 2022:
- added item wiki.
- finished erwin's character guide.
may 3 2022:
- worked on the character guides.
- added bs gear information.
april 19 2022:
- added player checklist, now you know what and where to farm items that are required in the future. requires game and term knowledge.
april 16 2022:
- added bs guide page. expect more information when bs gets released.
april 14 2022:
- added methods to farm zenny and materials.
- separated money and material grinding to different pages.
april 4 2022:
- remade levelling page.
- remade gearing pages, also added unlisted gear guides.
- added some photos.
- restructured character pages.
- finished brooches page.
march 25 2022:
- added akasha page
- added some photos
march 24 2022:
- fixed/refined some information on levelling.
march 21 2022:
- made site much more friendlier on your eyes.
march 20 2022:
- added some pictures.
- changed some meta information.
march 11 2022:
- changed the format of the site.
- remade the new players section to be much more new-player friendly.
mar 4 2022:
- changed some information with the release of bankshare
- changed some more information with the release of west war 3.
- revised some meta-game information.
jan 30 2022:
- changed gearing information; old was stupid
jan 28 2022:
- started with brooches
jan 26 2022:
- refurbished some articles/formats (mostly faqs), added more images.
- added brooch pages
before jan 26: made the website and basic pages/formats